

WKZ study “Playing for Cognition”

We started our study Playing for Cognition at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital. This project is subsidised by Stichting Hartekind and K.F. Hein fund. We will invite typically developing children and children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who underwent open heart surgery in early life. Children with CHD are at risk for neurological problems, which can…

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The best DSSH pitch!

With an enormous amount of votes (44% of all votes) Charlotte Southcombe has won the  pitch completion of DSSH (Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare). 

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Newsletter June 2021

Second edition. Serious Gaming and Mixed Reality in the Neuropsychology Stay up to date and follow the progress of our research, projects, results, presentations, and prices! Note: The newsletter is written in Dutch. Nieuwsbrief Juni 2021

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Interview with the Illuster Magazine – March 2021

In Illuster, Tanja Nijboer talked about our project “Geef om onderzoek naar hersenletsel“. It is a project as a part of the yearly campaign of UU. Everyone, young and old, can be affected by brain damage. Patients with brain damage could have extreme difficulty in dealing with social or difficult situations at work or at…

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Interview with the Neurorevalidatie Keypoint Magazine – January 2021

An interview with Tanja Nijboer for the Keypoint magazine about innovations in the neuropsychological diagnostic and treatment. How can we make sure that the diagnostics and treatments of thinking capacity disorder keep improving? And why is it that important? Note: The magazine is written in Dutch. Read the whole interview: Van testen in een prikkelarme…

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Newsletter December 2020

First edition. Serious Gaming and Mixed Reality in the Neuropsychology Stay up to date and follow the progress of our research, projects, results, presentations, and prices! Note: The newsletter is written in Dutch. Neuroinnovatie nieuwsbrief 1ed

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Webinar ‘Prikkels’

Tanja Nijboer talked about the stimulus processing and the problems that can occur after brain damage in the webinar “Prikkels” by the Fitte Brein. Note: The webinar is given in Dutch. In het Nederlands: Tanja Nijboer vertelde over prikkelverwerking en de problemen die kunnen ontstaan na hersenletsel tijdens het webinar “Prikkels” van het Fitte Brein.

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