


Joris Elshout

Project: Novel treatment of visuospatial neglect

Teuni ten Brink

Project: Mixed Reality

PhD Students

Lauriane Spreij

Project: Mixed Reality & Digital Neuropsychological Assessment

Dissertation: Neuropsychology from paper-and-pencil to technology Advancing cognitive rehabilitation

Jasper Fabius

Project: Basic Mechanisms of Visual Attention

Dissertation: Perceptual Continuity Across Saccades

Nathan van der Stoep

(2015) Into the depths of spatial attention and multisensory integration.

Erik Oudman

(2016) Reconstructing Cognition in Korsakoff’s Syndrome.

Junior Researchers

Isabel Gosselt

Project: Mixed Reality & Digital Neuropsychological Assessment

Jiatong Meng

Project: Social Media Use across contexts.

Research assistants

Melissa Vrijhoeven

Project: dNPA

Lotte Boerboom

Project: dNPA

Jaqueline Wagner

Project: Mixed Reality

Nine Pletting

Project: Mixed Reality

Damian van der Neut

Project: Social Media Use


Rachelle Sinnema

Project: Basic mechanisms
of representational neglect

Rika de Vries

Project: NIBS

Marissa Hardeman

Project: Serious Games

Abel Koch

Project: Wayfinding

Valentina Navarro Ovando

Project: Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking

Olivia Petryka

Project: Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking

Melissa Migdis

Project: NIBS

Malouke Visser

Project: Mixed Reality

Felix Schweigkofler

Project: Basic Mechanisms

Marte van den Heuvel

Project: NIBS

Safiera Nieuwenhuizen

Project: Mixed Reality

Kanerva Kyrölä

Project: Mixed Reality

Manon Veerkamp

Project: NIBS

Emilia Rissanen

Project: Mixed Reality

Jules van den Berg

Project: Mixed Reality

Peter-Paul van de Wetering

Project: Mixed Reality

Gina Flora

Project: Mixed Reality

Elisabeth Deiman

Project: NIBS

Yvette van der Horn

Project: Mixed Reality

Eline Hoogers

Project: Mixed Reality

Laura Cibulskyte

Project: Mixed Reality

Terrence te Loo

Project: Mixed Reality

Veerle Brouwer

Project: dNPA

Manja Tomašević

Project: Mixed Reality

Bibi Heurter

Project: Social Media

Dimitry Wiegman

Project: NIBS


Tessie Hamers

Project: Eye tracking

Rian van Houwelingen – de Jonge 

Project: NIBS

Kyliana van Hoorn

Project: Mixed Reality

Lotte van Zantvliet

Project: Mixed Reality

Isa Willemsen

Project: Mixed Reality

Jeanelle Sneep

Project: Mixed Reality

Estelle van Straten

Project: NIBS

Kelsey van Balkom
Kelsey van Balkom

Project: NIBS


Urszula Kaleta

Project: dNPA

Savvina Chrysostomou

Project: dNPA

Iris Haima

Project: Mixed Reality

Iris Verheul

Project: Mixed Reality

Sahasra Vijayanand

Project: dNP

Anna Hoffmann

Project: dNPA


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Thijmen van Deijl

Project: Mixed Reality

Merel de Groot

Project: dNPA

Sofia Sousa

Project: dNPA

Cristina Romero

Project: dNPA

Lia Cho

Project: dNPA

Lotta Kooijmans

Project: Mixed Reality


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Rabia Sevilay Kaya

BSc Project dNPA