Mini-symposium op DCRM
This Friday, SMARTneurolab will present at the Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (DCRM)
DCRM 2023
Technology might have a positive impact in assessment and training within cognitive rehabilitation. It might advance our insight in cognitive functions and skills of patients, help finetune psychoeducation, motivate patients during training and evaluate learned compensation strategies during dynamic, interactive gameplay.
This sounds wonderful, so… how come we don’t implement technology straight away?
During this mini symposium we will focus on several types of technology (digitized neuropsychological assessment, experimental cognitive tasks, Virtual and Augmented Reality) and expert opinions of both patients and therapists.
Chair and speakers:
- PhD Tanja Nijboer, associate professor UMC Utrecht
- MD Elsemiek Stehouwer, resident rehabilitation medicine UMC Utrecht
- MSc Judy Bakker, ergotherapeut & PhD-student Utrecht University / Omring
- MSc Sanne Boing, PhD student Utrecht University
- MSc Eileen Bousche, PhD student Utrecht University
- PhD Hanne Huygelier, post doc research fellow UMC Utrecht, KU Leuven
- Elsemiek will present (preliminary) results on patients’ perspective of the current conventional pen-and-paper neuropsychological assessment (cNPA). In a survey, we collected responses of patients on their experiences with the cNPA.
- Judy will present results of a large survey among professionals on their perspectives (and experiences) of a digitized NPA (dNPA). What are the (potential) advances, and (potential) pitfalls?
- Sanne will present her work on an experimental task to assess working memory in a more ecologically valid way. Currently working memory is assessed by having patients remember all the stimuli, whereas in real life we can still rely on our environment to a certain extent. Switching back and forth between remembering and relying on the outside world might be the best strategy to function in daily life.
- Eileen will focus on Virtual and Augmented Reality Serious Games in rehabilitation. What are the expert opinions on several different serious games designed for visual scan training for patients with visuospatial neglect?
- Last, Hanne will talk about her research with HemiRehApp, a Virtual Reality Serious Game. In her study, 43 stroke patients with visuospatial neglect completed a neglect assessment. Associations between cNPA and new outcome measures will be discussed as well as the user experience of the patients